The bank that goes with you wherever you go
The bank BVR wants to communicate their service online 24/7. The BVR just launched their App from where the user can do all the services of a regular bank, the same than their online portal.
UI Design
Online Marketing
Creative Direction
Always and anywhere
For the launch of the BVR online banking-app a big advertising campaign was created under the claim: “always and anywhere”. The media produced was a TV commercial, online marketing campaign, print and promotion ideas. I was responsible for the concept and production of all the medias included shooting, filming, postproduction, etc.
We generated buzz with the first-ever live banner by streaming content in real-time for 24 hours in “Der Spiegel”. We also made pre-rolls videos in Youtube, posts in social media and banners integrated in different online platforms.
I created the concept ideas of the campaign including tv commercial, print, and live banner ideas as well as their execution and postproduction of the film and images for banners design, prints, POS, etc. I was responsible for the filming and parallel shooting of the commercial.
The first-ever Live banner

We created the first-ever live banner where we stream content in real-time for 24 hours in “Der Spiegel”. We play with our concept “always and everywhere” and we performed two different executions; One, we show our image of the girl using the Banking App on a roof in different daylight situations matching with the real-time light situation.
During the day, we focus on the headlines that publish the and we suit headlines in our live banner as a reaction of the content and always linked with the BVR service of cooperative consulting service.
Case film

Youtube pre-roll ads
Because we wanted to reach millennials target, we use Youtube platform to insert pre-roll videos adaptations of our campaign when users search for videos with keywords like “top 5 best places in germany” or “secret places in Berlin”.

The campaign images
The images used in the campaign show people in different places and always with a device around. Turning in that way the place into a bank where to use the bank services.
The images are realistic, friendly, simple and with a human touch. All the images were used for the online and offline campaign. Here some example of the print posters.